The #AskMeAboutNETs Challenge
In an effort to raise awareness about neuroendocrine cancer (NETs) in the healthcare community, we invite you to use YOUR voice, take the pledge, and join the #AskMeABoutNETs Challenge.
What is the #AskMeABoutNETs Challenge?
LACNETS is inspiring NET patients and allies around the world to educate their local healthcare professionals about NETs. Ready for your challenge?!
We ask you to take the pledge to educate two or more of your local healthcare professionals using our #AskMeAboutNETs downloadable packets (included below).
To complete the challenge, you must follow these four simple steps:
Step 1: Take the pledge by clicking “take the pledge” button below.
Step 2: Download the #AskMeAboutNETs information packet (included below).
Step 3: Personally deliver, mail, or email the #AskMeAboutNETs information packet to at least TWO of your local health professionals.
Step 4: Complete the “challenge completion form” at the bottom of this page to confirm you have completed steps 1 and 2.
Why is this challenge important?
One of the biggest and most urgent challenges for the NET community is the lack of information throughout our local healthcare systems. It’s vital that we do our part to educate our local healthcare communities which can lead to earlier diagnosis and expanded research. The more of us who take the pledge, the more healthcare professionals will be reached. Our voices are stronger together!
What’s in the #AskMeAboutNETS packet?
To make your outreach easier, we put together downloadable packets for both patients and allies, which include:
An introductory letter (from a NET patient or NET ally)
Information about NET Cancer Day (a day dedicated to increasing awareness of NET)
(If you have any issues downloading the packet, please contact events@LACNETS.org.)
#AskMeAboutNETs Downloadable Packets
Please complete this form after you have shared the #AskMeAboutNETs with two healthcare professionals.