Dear LACNETS community,
As many of you know, our beloved friend and leader, Giovanna Imbesi, passed away in November, 2019. There are no words to express the depth and impact of her loss. Giovanna wasn’t only the Founder and Executive Director of LACNETS, she was the heart and soul of the Los Angeles NET patient/family community. As a Board, we are honored and committed to continuing her wonderful legacy and ensuring that LACNETS continues to grow and strengthen. We want to share several initial steps the Board has taken to continue to carry out our mission:
Kavya Velagapudi has been appointed as Interim Administrator. Kavya worked closely with Giovanna to secure funding, and acted as the Interim Executive Director between October 2018 – June 2019.
An Advisory Committee will provide input and guidance through the transition period. Committee members include: Donna Gavin, Kavya Velagapudi, Ron Hollander, Josh Mailman, Janis Minton and Mary Donlevy.
A Program Advisory Committee will be formed to provide input and recommendations for the 2020 LACNETS Programs.
Lisa Yen continues as Program Director, taking the lead on the 2020 LACNETS programs and working with the Program Advisory Committee.
Lindsey Jeu De Vine continues in her role as Director of Communications providing the essential website, information, social media and meeting planning that supports all LACNETS programs.
We are grateful for the strong team Giovanna brought together and look forward to offering programs that provide vital support and education for the LACNETS community.
Please join us at the February 11th patient seminar where you will also have a chance to meet members of the Advisory Committee and the Board.
Please feel free to contact us at if you have any questions.