LACNETS hosted over 100 NET patients and caregivers in Santa Monica on Nov 11th to celebrate NET Cancer Day. Everyone appreciated having the chance to meet NET experts, sponsors and other patients and caregivers in person.
NET patients Beth, Burt, Denny and Mary inspired many with their stories.
The event culminated in a celebration of NET Cancer Day with a piano concert by Tom Bajoras, a composer/pianist who has been living with NET since 2015. He shared stories of hope, along with original piano pieces written during his NET journey. You can hear his music here.
LACNETS Board President Donna Gavin presented the 2023 Giovanna Imbesi Above and Beyond Award to Tom Bajoras. Each year, the award is given to an individual for outstanding dedication to NET patient advocacy with the LACNETS community. Tom contributes by opening up his studio for the LACNETS Podcasts. He has recorded the intro and outro, written music for the podcast and edited all the episodes. Tom shares his music generously with the NET community.
Here are some comments we have received from attendees so far:
“Even though I feel through our weekly support group I have learned so much, there is always so much more to learn and hearing the speakers gives me hope for the future as they emphasize how much is changing daily in possible treatments.”
“THANK YOU for all you do for the NET community. You are all Angels giving so much of your time to help all of us.”
“Unexpectedly delightful!”
“It was the first symposium I attended, and I felt it was…perfect!! So glad I had this change! Thank you all! The beauty of NET is getting to know people like you all!”
“Helpful from A to Z…every second! Loved it! Professional! Inspirational!”
"I've been to countless similar events, but this was truly life-changing and transformative."
We are grateful to our speakers:
Martin Auerbach, MD
Jaydira Del Rivero, MD
Alexandra Gangi, MD
Linda (Lindy) Gardner, MSN, RN, VA-BC
Andrew Hendifar, MD
Daneng Li, MD
The speaker presentations are available here.