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In Loving Memory of Kelli Devan Edwards...

It is with heavy hearts we share that our beloved NETCONNECT Mentor and dear friend of LACNETS, Kelli Devan Edwards, passed away on December 5, 2023. 

Kelli inspired us by choosing to thrive with cancer and offering her support to many also living with NET. She was brave enough to do so while acknowledging the grief, challenges, and dread that come with living with cancer.

Kelli’s journey with neuroendocrine cancer began in 2003 when she was diagnosed with midgut NET and liver metastases. With the guidance of her NET experts, Kelli managed her disease as a chronic condition with a range of treatments including surgery, SSAs, oral therapies, liver directed therapies and PRRT. She attributed her health to innovative healthcare, a nurturing community of friends and family, and a deep spirituality. Despite her diagnosis, Kelli lived richly and fully for 20 years with NET.

Kelli was a loving mother and wife, a gifted teacher and a writer. We hope her words and the journey she shared so openly will continue to provide solace and inspiration. “Like the captain of my own celestial vessel, I’ve learned to sail on the winds of the Four C’s: Cope, Create, Commune & Curate.

Kelli shared her journey to help others with NET in blog posts and videos.

Blog Posts

Kelli and the LACNETS founder Giovanna Joyce Imbesi shared a special bond and we dedicate Giovanna’s “Give Me Peace,” song to Kelli and her beautiful family, friends, and this community.

“We each navigate the sea of uncertainty in our own unique vessels drawn by whatever light we see flickering on the horizon. I hope my journey anchors you, despite the presence of turbulent news. And hopefully someday you will be an anchor for those who follow you. We are so much more than our physical body, and we will thrive NO. MATTER. WHAT.”
~ Kelli Edwards

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