Support Line

LACNETS is partnering with the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation (CCF) to provide Support Line assistance.
LACNETS is here to help you and those affected by NET. If you are looking for more specific information than you have found on our resources page or virtual support offerings, please complete the following questionnaire* so we can provide more personalized support.
Please allow up to three business days for us to respond. We highly recommend reviewing and completing our NET VITALS tool to learn and share the most critical information about your or your loved one's NET diagnosis.
*Please note, all patient information is kept strictly confidential and is only used to provide relevant resources.
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The Learn Advocate Connect Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (LACNETS) does not substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or other healthcare services. LACNETS may provide information and connections to physicians, products, services, clinical trials or treatments related to neuroendocrine cancer, but LACNETS neither recommends nor endorses any particular healthcare institution or provider. Please consult your medical team about your individual care or treatment.